- Business - To automate a process or financial problem
- Automation - To control homes, factories, machines
- Research - Data mining, simulation, modeling
- Communication - Email, telephony, broadcasting, journalism
- Recreation - Games, movies, music
- And for fun - Yes, programming is also an enjoyable recreational activity.
Let's compare programming to finger painting. If you gave a child some finger paints and a sheet of paper and a smock, would you yell at the child for what was painted, or if the activity made a mess?
I started programming when I was 11 years old. Nobody made me do it. I sat down with my father's HP-67 calculator and the wonderful manual and I was hooked! From that point forward I spent much less time on my electronics hobby and spent my energy programming.
So, what is fun about programming? Here is a short list:
- Programming involves learning, which lights up neurons all over and stimulates the feel good hormone dopamine.
- Programming involves problem solving, which is also a kind of learning.
- Programming is a creative activity, and people enjoy making things.
- Programming is delightfully interactive. Give to the computer and it gives back.
- Programming as an enjoyable social activity, sharing/working/competing with others
I learned programming using the so called bad languages, and I had a blast and nobody got hurt! I learned a ton and nothing stopped me from learning the so called good languages later on. I encourage everyone to learn new things but if you decide to only learn one programming language you have not committed a crime to society. Don't let anyone ever tell you different.
I know that nobody needs my permission, but I'll give it to you anyway! Go forth and have fun programming! Color outside the lines and drum to your own beat! Don't be afraid of the self appointed programming police!