Here is my code of this. One other person also submitted a version of it. This could form the basis for a game.
[Update] --- I made a new version of this in Liberty BASIC! Click to see the new version
10 gosub 500
100 for c=0 to n
110 xold=st(c,0)
120 yold=st(c,1)
130 st(c,0)=xold*1.23
140 st(c,1)=yold*1.23
150 x=int(st(c,0))
160 y=int(st(c,1))
165 if abs(x)<2 and abs(y)<2 then 320
170 if abs(x)>10 or abs(y)>10 thenst(c,0)=(rnd(1)-.5)*3:st(c,1)=(rnd(1)-.5)*3:goto150
180 pstar=center+x+y*22
190 poke center+int(xold)+int(yold)*22,32
200 poke pstar,108
300 next c
310 goto 100
320 poke center+int(xold)+int(yold)*22,32
400 next c
410 goto 100
500 poke 36879,14
501 input"# stars (1-10)";n
502 n=n-1
505 print"{clrscrn}";
510 dim st(9,1)
520 for x=0 to n
530 st(x,0)=(rnd(1)-.5)*10
540 st(x,1)=(rnd(1)-.5)*10
550 next x
590 center=7932
600 return
Nice piece pf code! My first computer was a VIC-20 and I spent countless hours reading the user guide supplied with it to learn programming "basics". I remember one piece of code (perhaps in the user guide or maybe a magazine) that had a for loop using the variable k. It took a while for me to realize it wasn't "fork" but "for k"!
It's amazing how impressive "Tank vs UFO" was in those days. Never looked at <*> the same again!
Hmm.. I think there is a problem on line 165 in your listing, since line 170 is merged with it and there is odd code in there.
Thanks, I reposted the code. It seems that blogspot mangled it.
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